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Category Archives: Mining

How Bitcoin Miners Could Lose Revenue In An Attack

Apr 20, 2017

Olusegun Ogundeji

Internet routing attacks (such as BGP hijacks) and malicious Internet Service Providers (ISP) can reduce miners’ revenue and expose their networks to double spending, a study that argues for encrypting Bitcoin traffic or traffic exchanged among miners has shown. Put together by Mari...

F2Pool, why not pick a side?

Mar 30, 2017

Olusegun Ogundeji

Many had wanted Wang Chun to start signalling for the activation of SegWit especially in the wake of the recent showdown between the Bitcoin Core and Bitcoin Unlimited developers. The man known to be the face of F2Pool - the second largest mining pool controlling about 12% of the min...

Why CANOEPOOL supports bitcoin unlimited?

Feb 27, 2017


Chinese Twitter account cnLedger revealed recently that a new mining pool by the name of CANOE was online. The pool was attracting much attention in China for signaling the Bitcoin Unlimited (BU) software client, which adds to another mining pool supporting BU. As the person in...

Miners deep inside China’s Western desolate mountains

Feb 23, 2017

chris zhou

For ordinary people, Bitcoin is rather mysterious and technology-related. For amateurs, it will surprise them that mining plants are now scattered in remote places like mountains in southwestern region and dessert in the northern China. Wu guanggeng, the COO of Haobtc said there are mor...