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Category Archives: Bitcoin

Bitcoin Is not Ideal: Inherent Risks of Bitcoin

Apr 21, 2017


Three years ago or two years ago, if you asked me what Bitcoin is, I’d tell you it is the future of money. It is managed by the network, not by the government. Plus, it is private, anonymous and fast. It’s just perfect! Bitcoin is proved very successful. Since its inception in 2009, Bi...

How regulation help decentralize bitcoin OTC in China

Apr 21, 2017

ShiLiang Huang

0.Introduction At the beginning of this year, the government in China was tightening Bitcoin trading rules. All Bitcoin exchanges in China have stopped processing Bitcoin withdrawals. Everyone are very pessimistic. But two months later, Bitcoin wasn't taken down. Instead it gets a...

Time to Move on: The Worst Thing You Can Do Is Nothing

Apr 19, 2017


The bitcoin community is in the middle of a civil war. And the crux of the war comes down to a single word: blocksize. Right now, the bitcoin network can only support up to 7 transactions per second. Clearly, some changes will need to be made if bitcoin is to reach levels mainstream payments ...

Litecoin, the Touchstone of True Love

Apr 10, 2017


“My Letter to Chinese Litecoin Miners and Pool Operators “ “Charlie Lee Tips Litecoin Price to Reach $14 On SegWit Activation” “Litecoin Moves Within 5% of its SegWit Activation Threshold” We hear Litecoin a lot these days. It seems that at this particular ...

Bitcoin Plays a Role in Humanitarian Assistance

Apr 10, 2017


North Korea has always been notorious for its human rights violations. Recently, the totalitarian dictatorship has been drawing criticism for the assassination of Kim Jong Nam, the estranged half-brother of North Korean leader Kim Jong Un. On March 8th, Cheollima Civil Defense(CCD...

Huobi host online event on BU, now looking for Core expert

Mar 30, 2017

Red Li

28th March, Huobi hosted an online event in the evening titled "Bitcoin scaling and its impact on price", featuring Jiang Zhuoer as the guest speaker. Jiang is well known for his strong support for Bitcoin Unlimited. The event attracted over 1,000 participants and Huobi is looking for a ...

Bitcoin Community, Time to Pull Together

Mar 28, 2017


Note: Cao Xiaogang, an early bitcoin adopter and holder, is now an entrepreneur and co-founder of a crowdfunding platform. He believed: “At this particular point in history, the bitcoin community should pull together to change the world of bitcoin for better instead of insulting and attac...